What is BIM? – Building Information Modeling explained


What is BIM? – Building Information Modeling explained

Have you ever heard of BIM? Building Information Modeling is actually used more and more in the construction industry. And this also applies to scaffolding. So, if you want to be well positioned for the future, you should deal with the topic early on. But what does BIM actually mean? We have explained the method briefly here.


BIM explained in a nutshell

Establishing the best possible planning reliability is probably one of the greatest challenges in a construction project. Especially with large and complex projects, things might easily get lost. Sometimes the latest information on the project is missing, sometimes there is a unforeseen collision with the work of another trade.

This is where BIM comes inro play. Building Information Modelling (BIM) aims to increase the planning reliability with the help of a central data pool over the entire life cycle of a construction project.

Explained very briefly, BIM is a digital method that improves information management in construction projects. BIM projects not only focus on the construction phase of a building, but also on its entire life cycle. For example, BIM is also useful for later renovation work. Among other things, BIM enables

  • a fluent exchange of information both between different trades and all those responsible for a construction project.
  • more efficient planning of a building project, where possible errors are significantly minimised and unexpected delays are made less likely.
  • improved construction of a building in terms of its environmental impact during its life cycle.

This and more is achieved with the central shared data pool. Everyone involved in a construction project has access to this data pool. This means that the most up-to-date information is available to everyone at all times. In this way BIM not only enables an efficient exchange of information between the parties, but also simplifies the further project planning steps.


Thanks to a digital model equipped with object attributes of the building, time sequences can be optimally planned without colliding with other trades.


What does BIM mean in practice?

By digitally capturing all necessary data of the planned construction object in a shared 3D model, a seamless flow of information among all parties involved is established.


BIM improves the flow of information among all parties involved in a construction project.


This helps to improve the planning efficiency and to prevent irksome duplicate data exchange or the potential loss of up-to-date information.

The data pool set up with BIM also helps you as a scaffolder to improve your work. And that already starts with making your work preparations easier.

How BIM works in scaffolding and how you can benefit most from the method, you can read in our next blog article.


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