Scaffolding in 2022 - Scafom-rux' annual review


Scaffolding in 2022 - Scafom-rux’  annual review

Another year is coming to an end. And what a year it was! The year 2022 with all its incisive events will probably remain in our memories for a long time.

It is precisely in times like these that we want to continue to focus on coherence and the cooperative relationship with you as our customers – true to our company motto "Stronger. Together." We were all the more pleased that we were finally able to meet many of you in person again, for example at this year's bauma in Munich.

At events like this, we were also able to show you live what we have been working on in recent years: Innovations such as our SUPER RS modular facade scaffolding, the new RINGSCAFF Sky suspended scaffolding, the optimised RINGSCAFF stair tower or the XGR1 expandable guardrail.




RINGSCAFF stair tower

XGR1 expandable guardrail


And the next highlight in the coming year is already waiting for you: We look forward to welcoming you to the "Hagener Gerüstforum" on the company premises of Scafom-rux Germany!

But first, let's look back at the year in pictures:

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