Scaffold rental explained step by step - Part 2


Scaffold rental explained step by step - Part 2

Staying flexible even when your order books are full to the brim doesn’t have to be difficult. With the option of renting scaffolding instead of buying, you save e.g. storage costs for scaffolding parts that you do not need regularly. That's why we at Scafom-rux offer our high-quality scaffolding systems not only for purchase, but also for flexible scaffold rental. Last week, we introduced you to the first steps of our rental process, from the order request to the delivery of the rented scaffolding material. In this article, you will now learn about the actual rental period and the return of the rented scaffolding.


Step 1: The scaffold rental period begins

The rental period begins on the day of delivery of the scaffolding material or on the date stated in the rental agreement. From then on you can use our material for your project. The good thing about this is that you don't have to plan any storage capacity for this material and can thus cover order peaks particularly efficiently, for example. The quality of the scaffolding material remains the same and you only have to observe a few things when handling rented scaffolding material:  

  • You need to take care of the maintenance of the rented scaffolding material during the rental period.
  • The rented scaffolding material must be protected against access by unauthorised third parties.
  • If, for example, plastering or other dirt-intensive work is to be carried out on the scaffolding, cover the rented scaffolding material, e.g. with a fleece or a tarpaulin, to avoid coarse soiling. This will save you cleaning time and costs in the end.

Of course, things are not always gentle on the construction site, and things can sometimes get broken. So if you damage a rented part, don't hesitate to contact us. We can then remove the scaffolding part in question from the rental order, discuss the damage calculation with you and replace the part. After all, reporting the damage in good time saves costs, as the broken scaffolding part no longer has to be transported back unnecessarily.

No matter how well a scaffolding project has been planned and prepared, there can always be an unexpected delay. So, if the rental period of your scaffolding material is extended, this can be done automatically or at your request. In the case of an extension, this is always one week.


Step 2: The scaffolding material is returned to us

When the time has come, you’re scaffolding project is completed and you want to give back the rented scaffolding material.

Simply notify us of the return transport. We will then send you the delivery note with the quantities, which you then give to your driver. If damage to individual scaffolding parts or the reordering of scaffolding material is reported to us during the rental period, this is also included.

Before returning the scaffolding, you don't have to check much apart from the completeness and integrity of the rented scaffolding material. Just make sure that

  • The scaffolding material is returned clean. Otherwise, we will clean dirty material ourselves, for which we charge a cleaning fee.
  • The scaffolding material is bundled so that it can be transported with the forklifts.

Pre-sorting of the scaffolding material is of course not necessary! As soon as it has returned to our depot after the rental period, you will receive the corresponding documents from us that the material has been returned to us. Our warehouse staff will now check and count each scaffolding part again. You will then receive the documentation from us by post. As soon as you have this document in your hands, we book out the rental order and the process is completed.

If you are considering scaffold rental or have any further questions about the process, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team. To make your scaffold rental run as smooth as possible for you, download or scaffold rental checklist.


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