Yunnan factory is now called Hercules Construction
The renaming of Scafom-rux’ first factory in Yunnan goes along with the strategical separation of our Chinese production and rental business units.
The production site formerly known as Hercules Metal is now named Hercules Construction. The decision to separate the production and rental business of our subsidiary in Yunnan brings an improvement in the transparency and organization of its management. From now on, the already established company Hercules Metal takes care of all rental issues whereas the new company Hercules Construction is in charge of the production.
Hercules Yunnan is part of Scafom-rux globally operating group, adding the exciting Asian market to our fields of operation. The opening of our first production site in Yunnan back in 2005 marked a milestone for Scafom-rux. With our own production, we were able to profile ourselves as a manufacturer. A lot has happened since then: we now run five strategically located production sites all over the world that give us full control over the whole production chain and enable us to assure the highest quality of our products.
Due to local Covid 19 control, the renaming ceremony of the factory in Yunnan had to take place on a smaller scale than we would have liked for this occasion. That is why the heads of Hercules Construction and Hercules Metal were all the happier that they were able to celebrate safely with at least a few selected suppliers. The highlight of the event was the ceremonial unveiling of the new sign at the entrance of the factory. As a symbol for good luck, a firework made the renaming of Hercules Construction complete.